He was interviewed in attendance of information and special court of Clergy officials and a group of reporters of government newspapers like Jamejam newspaper, but this religious leader didn't accept to say dictated and ordered answers, on the contrary; he revealed some important facts about tortures on his followers and himself in appalling sections of Evin. Also he revealed the wrong policies of regime that are performing in coverage of religion, by insisting on his opinions containing: necessity of separation of religion from politic, cancellation of Islamic penalties including: execution, stoning, amputation and flogging, also holding an open referendum. This act made information officials angry and again took him to Evin prison.
It's necessary to remember that Ayatollah Boroujerdi with his family and a group of his followers were railed by security forces in twilight of middle of Ramadan and since that he has been tortured physically and psychologically in Evin prison.
It's must be said; 8 numbers of his followers under the names of : Masoud Samavatiyan, Mehrdad Souri, Hasan Harischiyan ,Mohammadreza Sadeghi, Ali Arbabi, Aliraza Montazer-Saheb, Majid Alasti and Habib Quvati are detained in Evin prison.
As a representative of oppressed people who are tired of Velayat-Faqih dominance, he has recently expressed his views about some important matters of Iran and the world, in an interview inside of prison by a political prisoner under the name of Ahmad Najafi-Mojtahedi.
Here, we ask international societies, Human Rights defenders, liberals and aware consciences to try to incite the world anger in respect of false claims of religion, clergy and spirituality.
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