Warm greeting to you, the respectable peacemaker, and the heartiest congratulation on your success in presidential election. I respect to the gentle nation of the
I, the prisoner religious leader, have been tortured in various appalling sections of Evin prison for a long time because of my opposition to political religion and governmental Islam and my family is the victim of Iranian authorities' crimes and all followers of the thought of "protest against interference of state in spirituality" who helped me in protesting against governmental clergies have been violated psychologically and physically. I'm waiting for the extensive movement of legal societies and human organizations of United Nations to(they) prevent from continuation of the religious despotism and prohibit annihilation of thought freedom and belief independence by their extensive and multilateral attendance in Security Council of the United Nations. As a public prosecutor of society who is asking for deleting the belief inquiring from personal life of people and annihilating the thought and cultural censorship in Iranian society, I ask you the propagandist of liberalism, to propound and follow up my complaint in Human Right supreme court and in this way prevent from further profanity by Iran government, because it's 30 years that they have obviously oppressed on people by the name of kind God and no body has permit to critic and they torture me who have opposed to the regime of Iran pretends that acts base on religious laws, for along time by different kinds of inhuman and unjust penalties .
Selecting a person, who is not from the white race, frustrated all the long time negative propagandas of dictator government of
Respectfully yours
Seyed Hosein Kazemeini Boroujerdi
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