It is so sad to see so many people die or suffer in the hands of mad dogs who got in to the power in the name of god and managed to fool us for the last 30 years, now they are about to make the deadliest bomb possible on this earth.attack on iran will take place very soon,, before that we must see if iranian people are about to stand up for they right.thire right is change the iranian regime compettly and start all over againe,this time new goverment full democracy,back to normal after 30 years of bloodshed.time is kiking,,,,,,,,,, Thanx to the greatest man of centery to show the world the truth about mollahs who after people's wealth and power to take over ,aytullah kazemini boroujerdi still in prison in yazd in iran who speak's the truth about god and freedom for mankind....... aytullah kazemini boroujerdi want's refrandom and prove to the world iranian nation does not want polotical islamic unlawfull regime but back to oreginal islam witch does not want have nothing to do with politics , islam is mercyfull kind and for evryone on this planet and we must live side by side no matter how we worship the god we all are brothers and sisters say's ayatullah kazemini boroujerdi .once the iranian velayate faghieh has remove peace shall be return he belives and in eyes of west he is absoultly right.west wishes the best for ayatullah kazemini boroujerdi who has given evrything to free his nation and the mankind,,,,
1 comment:
free of ayatollah boroujerdi is my wish. please grant our wish.
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