August 02, 2009

A short Biography of Ayatollah Boroujerdi at the beginning of 52th years of his life, 1 August 2009

1- Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s birth day: 10th of Mordad 1337 in solar year, Moharram 1378 in lunar year, August 1958 A.D.

2- In 1979: the beginning of his religious activities and services after becoming a clergy man.

3- Since 1995, he has had several times detention, imprisonment, has been under continued and different kind of tortures and threatens, and character assassination.

4- Since 8 October 2006, has been detained in an inhuman condition, with out access to leave and diprived of all his human and legal rights for about two years and 10 months in another world 34 months, more than 147 weeks and 1030 days.

5- About 300 days in solitary confinement, which is equivalent to 3000 days imprisonment (that according to the law, every day in solitary confinement is equivalent to 10 days) and totally it includes more than 3700 days(one fifth) of his 18628-day-life.

6- The results of this dictatorship criminals on his health in comparison with three years ago:

I) His cornea has been destroyed because of being pounded with fists when he was in solitary confinement in section 209 of Evin Prison and not access to medical cares and treatments.
II) Losing his memory and appearing the brain tumor symptoms.
III) heart problems as there is no harmony in his heart with his respiratory system especially at the time of sleeping, physical movements, stress, and etc. Other diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Diabetes, high blood pressure and mental diseases.


saleh said...

very weighty biography. thank you.

Lora said...

freedom is Mr.Boroujerdi*s natural right.

saha said...

happy your birthday free man.

Lisa said...

free Ayatolah Boroujerdi

sara said...

Down with this peremptory government

Alex said...

thanks for your attention.

mariya said...

Pleas tell me more about Mr.Broujerdi

Andre said...

i am so sorry for this wild government and I expressed sympathy with oppressed prisoner like Ayatolah Boroujerdi.

Anonymous said...

free him

Gavin said...

is Mr.Boroujerdi a member of green wave in iran?

Caley said...

why Mr.Broujerdi is in prison?what he do?

Alen said...

Dear Gavin , Mr.Boroujerdi is not a member of green wave , he is a religion leader and he is advocate separation of religion from politicsin iran.

Anonymous said...

my friend Caley
he is in prison for his belive for freedom and for his religion.
becuse he advocate from God

Anonymous said...

free him