March 07, 2010

The position of woman from Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s viewpoint

Happy March 8, woman’s world day

One of the important and controversial topics which has engaged the mind of civilized states, just intellectuals and progressive thinkers for many years and many words have been written on it, is “definition and specification of woman’s rights and limits”. Although the civic society of today can’t accept and endure discrimination, despotism and egoism and has almost resisted against sexism, but after many centuries the renaissance of thoughts has not completely matured yet as it has not been able to present a comprehensive constitution on the rights of this beautiful divine creature and there are many thought and ideological contracts on the quality and the way of the execution of the related laws which have not mostly stepped beyond the apparent and facial aspect.
Mr. Boroujerdi, theorist and religious intellectual, has expressed some of woman’s privileges by a fair and open view, using a new literature beyond religious borders and by relying on some documents of the holy books, that I draw the attentions of dear readers to some parts of them:
Woman in Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s opinion:

Woman is the beautiful and elegant creature of God. Women are talented and powerful to do every thing. In occupational and trade divisions woman's veneration and holiness must be observed and the delicacy and elegance of woman who is responsible for civilization and generation must not be forgotten. Trading her chastity must be avoided and we must never abuse her as a means for marketing and must never ignore her God-given positions, though woman's position has been abused during last ages and indecent traders have abused this sacred gender in different cases.

He said in reply to a question about women’s rights and limitations:

Woman is the partner of man in administration of life affairs .women have the same position in creation that men have achieved and every law which violates their personality and credit integrity is worthless .All judgments which lead to humiliation and regression of women are as the human rights violators. Every kind of limits and restrictions which cause reduction in their success and enjoyment of life are unrespectable and unenforceable. Scientific and social fields must not cause limitation and strait for them.

Although there are many writings and descriptions on woman and her position, but by reviewing this writing we will realize the delicacy of Boroujerdi’s thoughts because with a new view on and commentary of Holy Quran’s words, he opens a new sight of the basis of divine constitution which conforms to Human’s nature, for us.

He believes:

Woman is the main part of creation, because God’s spirit manifested in her body (Virgin Mary) and He offered a great and noble human to the world through her with no need for a man and while she was virgin, and God created Jesus in this way to establish peace and stability in the world.

He adds:

Choosing holy Mary for manifestation of great God is the most important sign that shows woman is unique and peerless. Women have some lawful, reasonable and defined rights and claims just like men and every violation and infringement on them is counted oppressing the origin of the creation. Every kind of limitation for women is perfidy to humanity because the core and continuance of life depends on woman. If her feelings and nerves become weak and destroyed by enacting some rough and tormenting laws, inconsistent and catastrophic changes will come to the integrity of human society and make many disorders in social and political systems, so I in my opinion women’s freedom and independence is an undeniable necessity.

Definitely Boroujerdi is one of the sacrificed for freedom. He is opposed to every kind of restrictions and limitations which bring difficulty and tribulation to man of today. He writes about definition of freedom:

“Freedom is a divine gift which must not be negated at all. Latitudinarianism will bring progress to our world. Latitudinarianism will annihilate viruses of life. Yes, freedom is in human’s gene.”

He expresses his views on one of the most controversial subjects, means “veil” as following:
Veil and covering for women is just like shell for pearl which protect it from thieves, but this protection (veil) should be done and spread by cultural ways not by imposition. Because imposition and force is contrary to God’s holy aims and in this case the possibility of social and personal reforms will be lost.

In the end it is most opportune that another view of this dissident cleric who is opposed to Vilayat-e-Faqih, about woman be presented:

. In my opinion women have the main responsibility and a special place in creation and honoring this great part of the creation is reverence for god. I expect women to join us and help to wipe terrorism and unjust groups.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's so beutiful.