The greetings of the tormented captive in Evin prison to the Creator who created nothing, but beauty, grace and kindness.
Greetings to the messengers who have no mission, but broadcasting love, kindness and friendship.
With respect for dear Iran that is suffering under the most severe forms of discriminations, oppressions and criminality. Iran’s current history registers all disgraces and scandals inflicted upon the holy presence of God by barbaric religious authorities.
Indeed, monotheistic religions are free from the possession, control, and distortions of worldly irreligious men. You will never witness any pressures, threats and physical and psychological tortures committed by leaders of these religions. Under these religions, even the sentence of eternal hell is transformed into heaven by the grace and intercession of God. We see the kindness and tenderness of our Lord in the stories of the prophets as He caresses His people in His great and kind embrace.
When religion and politics are combined, opportunities for deceit, ruse and, crime will appear. The Lord of purity, goodness and happiness will change to the ghoul of torture, torment and violence. This principle is in accordance with this verse of holy Quran which says: (“و یخرجون الناس من دین الله افواجا” means the people leave Allah’s religion in crowds) will become certain. I wish I were dead and I had never seen such these deplorable and lamentable days.