October 28, 2012

Open letter to the Secretary- General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki moon, on behalf of Roya Araghi deputy of Mr.Boroujerdi

Your Excellency Dr. Ahmed Shaheed,
The United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran
Your Excellency,
I appreciate your humanitarian figures, particularly the third special report on the terrible situation of human rights in Iran and would like to attract your kind attention to the following points:

October 05, 2012

Please take the message of the Protesters against the Velayat-e-Faqih Dictatorship to all the people of world.

During this critical and tragic time, the Iranian people are suffering enormously from intense economic pressures now aggravated by new external sanctions on the country, suffocating political and social restrictions, and complete media censorship.
Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi, spiritual leader and prisoner of conscience, has constantly defended the Iranian people and their right to freedom, justice and peace. Yet he continuously stresses that without extensive media coverage of the Iranian people’s plight, as well as their demonstrations and my and the campaigns of others for freedom, justice and peace, the crimes and violence of this illegitimate and brutal regime will continue unabated, and the severely troubled situation of the Iranian people will never improve. He has bravely sent this message from within the prison to request that all reporters, journalists and media administrators regularly broadcast news about the Iranian people to the world. Their perceived silence is actually the result of media censorship within the country and the fear of brutal retaliation for anyone speaking against the regime.