Excellency, Secretary General of the United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,
heads of states and nations participating in the 67th session of the General
Assembly of the United Nations,
I sit
here, at the start of my eighth year of captivity; jailed by a religious
dictatorship and charged with defending the freedom of though, speech and
expression and refusing to align with tyrants who forcibly lord over Iran. I am
under severe psychological and fatal physical pressures, while millions of my
fellow compatriots live in the most horrific conditions, oppressed and
violated, throughout Iran.
I have
been honored to act as an advocate who echoes the public protests against the
ruling phalanx of autocrats. Has the time not come, for your assembly to demand
that these brutal totalitarians respond to how they dare to speak of Bahrain,
Syria and Palestine, under the guise of sympathy, when they have plundered and
stolen the wealth and national income of every Iranian, rendering them
impoverished and putting them in the ultimate financial and economic crisis?
If the
humanitarian authorities of other countries are truly sensitive and serious
about affording people around the world, their civil rights, and they really
listened and heard the cries emanating from our country, these dictators would
never dare to continue their shameless violations and their blatant rampage to
destroy Iran and Iranians to the alter of their despotism. This regime’s steely
guards do not permit one iota of criticism and protest by the average person
who is in desperate need.
The Iran
that has been endowed with the greatest natural and national wealth has been
fleeced and is now wanting for even a normal life. If you were really aware of
the statistics of our destitute and deprived, you would not hesitate to
intervene. It has been thirty five years that this so-called revolution, was
established in this strip of Asia and despite all the grand vows that were made
by its founder, nothing but pain, chaos, crisis and suffering has become the
daily norm of our people’s lives.
I plead
with all my being, from each and every one of you to focus your gaze on that
which goes on inside Iran and scrutinize the actions and blatant human and
civil rights violations of this regime.
Hossein Kazemeini-Boroujerdi
Prison, Tehran, Iran
Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
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