February 11, 2016

First Islamic State Celebrates Anniversary

Front pageThe first Islamic State since World War II celebrates its anniversary this week. And it isn’t the one you might think.
ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, is the late-comer to the world of Islamic-inspired murder and mayhem. The regime that invented the genre will celebrate its 37th anniversary on Feb. 11. It’s official name: the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Boroujerdi Representatives Appeal to Congress

Congressman Mike Pompeo,
Congressman Lee Zeldin,
Congressman Frank LoBiondo,
We would like to commend you for your decision to visit Iran to monitor the upcoming elections and, we hope, to closely observe the human and civil rights violations that are tearing at the fabric of our country. These violations continue despite pro-regime propaganda in the media and from the regime’s lobbying organizations in the United States.

February 08, 2016

A Letter to Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill: Regarding Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi

Your Holiness, Pope Francis
Your Holiness, Patriarch Kirill
Presently, with the upcoming meeting of your holinesses in Cuba, the necessity for the achievement of global justice, peace and stability, can be felt more than ever at this stage of the history of mankind.

February 06, 2016

Urgent Action to Save life of Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi

To H.E. Mr Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations
Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Irani
Human Rights Defenders

Mr. Seyed Hussein Kazemeini Boroujerdi, is a 57 year old religious theoretician, who since October 2006 - almost a decade now, has undergone consecutive tortures in prison, resulting in the development of various diseases, which have put his life in serious danger, and he is currently in dire need of a physician’s care, medications and medical attention.