December 24, 2018

A Christmas Message from Boroujerdi, the Founder of Monotheism without Borders

I congratulate Christmas, the nativity of Jesus Christ, the prince of peace, kindness and friendship to all of his followers and the ones who imitate Jesus. He was a great messenger who never used power to introduce God. He is a real teacher of monotheism, what the mankind has always been distant from.

December 09, 2018

Are Human Rights Appealable by such Conventions and Protocols?

Memories and Screeds of Mr. Boroujerdi on Human Rights Day,10 December 2018:
Following the first and second jail period during 1990’s and 2001, I became arrested and imprisoned again in 2006. I was not expecting that under the rule of a religious state, a religious promoter become repressed, the man who is away from politics and political propaganda and has no any political challenge with the rulers.
Actually after my second jail in 2001, I was just gathering the poor, suffered and deprived people to sympathize with them and retrieve them morally, psychologically and emotionally.

December 07, 2018

Monotheism without Borders: A Brief Description

In the toughest security atmosphere in Iran, Boroujerdi, the Founder of Monotheism without Borders, promote Monotheism (Tawhid) that is it does not have any boundaries to religion and faith. He established the Doctrine of Monotheism (Tawhid) without borders in order to avoid regional, racial, ethnic, religious, and reputability boundaries which disturb and obscure thoughts and minds about God. This tireless hero has started a revolution based on the beliefs of Monotheism. Although it is called Monotheism (Tawhid), it does not mean that it dates back to Tawhid systems that have been in the hands of mankind for tens of thousands of years. Its name is Tawhid, and if he was able to choose another name, he would say that he is looking for ultimate energy. Of course, he has repeatedly said that “I am not sensitive about names.”